Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The First Day of School

Jessie- Primary

In September, I see my friends post pictures on Facebook of their kids first day of school. I enjoy looking at the pictures of all the excited faces and cute back to school outfits. I often have pangs of longing to have my children's picture taken by the door of their new classroom or their hook in the hall or with their new teacher for the year. So when we stared our homeschool year (two weeks later then all my friends children) I decided to snap a few pictures of our little nontraditional first day of school. Homeschooled kids can have back to school photos too. Next year, I will have to get one with their teacher:)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! You are an amazing mom! I'm sure you are a great teacher. You are my jedi master and you have taught me well. --LA
